English Language Institute/China

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ELIC proudly recruits, trains, and sends hundreds of people each year to teach in long-term and short-term programs throughout Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Our long-standing partnerships with universities and governments around the globe open doors for us to make a deep and significant impact on students, colleagues, and neighbors. People come to ELIC from a variety of backgrounds including engineering, executive leadership, sales, medicine, and education. Our comprehensive training prepares new teachers to be world-class educators and helps veteran teachers as they transition overseas. Ongoing professional development opportunities include yearly conferences, graduate certificate programs, master's degrees, and Ph.D. options. We are honored to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students. English is the business language of the world, and students from our classrooms use their skills to gain overseas jobs as well as earn positions of leadership in business, government, and virtually any other profession that they pursue. We are proud to connect ELIC teachers with future leaders where we serve.

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People working at English Language Institute/China
Nate McHenry
Senior Director of Mobilization & Promotions
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
gary lausch
VP Human Resources
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Brian Bumann, CPA (Inactive)
Director of Finance
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Michelle Goodman
Sr Manager Mobilization, Recruiting and Candidate Engagement
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Liana Dogaru
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Brenna Roberts
Project Manager
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Ryan Brunner
Information Systems Manager
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Sue Watkins
Finance Coordinator
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Dan Lundgren
University English Teacher
Mary Browning Ivey
Mobilization Specialist
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
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