Enlightened Life Festival
The first annual Enlightened Life Festival will be held near Santa Fe, New Mexico in the fall of 2019, and will feature the first Khumba Mela pilgrimage gathering to be held outside of India. The gathering of yogis, saints and mystics in the festival temple is at the center of this incredible, one-of-a-kind celebration that will bless you in a multitude of ways. The central temple will be surrounded by mini-festivals, giving you the opportunity to get hands-on experiences of enlightened life on earth through sustainable culture, conscious family communities, holistic wellness, sacred wisdom, plant-based nutrition and inspirational performances. Elevate your consciousness, and learn to live in harmony with the earth. Feel the love and celebrate life in the mini-festival of conscious music featuring global, indigenous artists. You will hear from keynote speakers who are leaders in sustainability, permaculture, the wisdom traditions, holistic health, alternative education, plant-based nutrition, yoga psychology and more. Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/EnlightenedFest and Facebook - https://facebook.com/enlightenedlifefest - for official updates. Volunteer, sponsor and vendor inquiries welcome. Write to enlightenedlifetemple@gmail.com. #EnlightenedLifeonEarth #EnlightenedLifeFest