Ensambles Hyson

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Ensambles Hyson is a global leader in the manufacturing of durable goods. We have state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities located in Tijuana and Nogales, Mexico. Since 1989 we have specialized in producing high quality products with a focus on plastics and electronics. We have positions in manufacturing, engineering, customer service, accounting, purchasing, and operations. We look for high-caliber, high-potential employees who drive innovation and sustainability while developing cost-saving solutions. At Ensambles Hyson, we not only develop great products, we also develop great people! If you are looking for the chance to grow and make a difference on the job and in the world around us, then apply today. Ensambles Hyson es un líder global en la fabricación de bienes duraderos. Tenemos instalaciones de fabricación de vanguardia ubicadas en Tijuana y Nogales, México. Desde 1989 nos hemos especializado en fabricar productos de alta calidad con un enfoque en plásticos y electrónica. Tenemos posiciones en manufactura, ingeniería, servicio al cliente, contabilidad, compras y operaciones. Buscamos empleados de alto calibre y alto potencial que impulsen la innovación y la sostenibilidad al tiempo que desarrollan soluciones de ahorro de costes.

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Ensambles Hyson's headquarter address
Line 1: Paseo Cucapah #16750, Tijuana, Baja, California, MX
Line 2: 16750 Boulevard Cucapah
Ensambles Hyson's industries
Plastics Manufacturing
Ensambles Hyson's technology
plastics manufacturing electronics
People working at Ensambles Hyson
Jorge Flores
Principal Molding Process Engineer Master Molder II certified
Manuel Salas
Maintenance Leader
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Yaritza Mendoza
Buyer Planner
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Jorge Lopez
Engineering Group Manager - Manufacturing
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Rafael Oramas, MS, BSEE
Sr Project Manager
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Cesar Alberto Rodriguez Sansores
Engineering Manager
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Ruben Valencia
Senior Project Engineer
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Sergio Herrera
Sr. Planner Buyer
Aaron Castillo
Materials Manager
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Misael Machain Real
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
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