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Entrust is a leading independent professional trustee company which helps organisations run their pension schemes effectively. We take the hassle out of running a pension scheme, providing reassurance that the scheme is being run professionally. We have acted as trustee to over 100 occupational pension schemes for organisations across the globe providing a friendly, collaborative approach to pension trusteeship. Our team has been at the forefront of developments in pensions over the past 25 years, achieving positive outcomes for more than 20,000 members. We are often appointed as a trustee to provide leadership and guidance to a trustee board. We are also regularly appointed as the sole trustee of a scheme where an organisation is looking to outsource the governance of its pension scheme.

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Entrust's headquarter address
Line 1: Manchester
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financial services
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People working at Entrust
Stuart Evans
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Tom Neale
Trustee Director
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Callum Rees
Trustee Associate
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Becky Ryding
Trustee Associate
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Jessica Pigg
Trustee Associate
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Hannah Francois
Trustee Associate
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Alexander Duerden
Trustee Assistant
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Andrew Cawley
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
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