Erganal - Food and Packaging testing Lab

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QA, QC laboratory testing services for Foodstuffs & food Packaging materials. Served industries involve Food & Beverages, Feed & Crops, Water & Wastewater, Environmental & Industrial. Since its establishment in 1925, Erganal provides accredited testing services aiming to ensure consumer safety & product quality. Microbiology, Chemistry and Molecular analysis. Microbiological, chemical & molecular services concern GMO, Packaging Migration, Regulatory & Quality Assurance testing. In 2015 Erganal and QACS were brought together under the organization QACS Ltd. Mission of the laboratories is the qualitative improvement of food, environment and their safety standards. In this context Erganal's services are complied with national & international standards & validate product claims based on acceptance standards. Both Labs participate in research projects, collaborate with selected international research & testing laboratories and are ISO 17025 accredited. For information on future projects please contact us at info@erganal.gr

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People working at Erganal - Food and Packaging testing Lab
Dimitris Tzouvalis
Head of Sales
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Charilaos Tsitouris
Business Development
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Stellina Megremi
Food Packaging Specialist & Quality Control Analyst
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Elpida N. Tsoulia
Analytics Department Front Desk
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Maria Vamvaka
Microbiology Lab Manager
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Ioanna Vasilakopoulou
Food R&D Support Specialist
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Elli Kampanopoulou
Account Executive
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Sia Alexandropoulou
Quality Assurance Officer
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Manias Nikos
Laboratory Analyst
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
Apostolos Enotiadis
Materials Scientist, PhD, Packaging section
Piraeus, Attiki, Greece
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