Are you looking for charging solutions for multiple Electronic Vehicles on your business park, holiday park, shopping centre or other parking lot? e-RS offers a unique solution, where we develop and implement a complete Charging Park Management system. e-RS combines the expertise of Raepsaet Product Design and Sagro to offer complete charging solutions. We aim for offering a complete and integrated, centrally controlled solution for EV charging parks. Our solution entails an integrated Charge & Energy Management platform which optimizes the use of energy and maximizes the use of current or planned electronic infrastructure. This platform supports smart load balancing for the complete configuration including all connected charging points. Charging as a Service offers the possibility to take a complete solution subscription. You pay a monthly fee for a fixed period and an amount for the number of charging sessions and the used charging power during that period.

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People working at e-RS
Roel Verbeeck
Installation expert
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Evi Van der Plas
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Kim van Wijk - Hermus
Marketing & Communication Manager
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Sander van der Veeke
CEO e-Rs Nederland
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Gert Van der Plas
Managing Director
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Anton Hermus
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
Griet de Clercq
Project Manager
Affligem, Flemish Region, Belgium
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