ERS Railways B.V

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ERS Railways is a fully independent railway company with five offices in four countries across Europe. With our modern fleet of locomotives and over 450 leased container platforms, low-bed as well as double pocket wagons, we are one of the leading players in the growing European inter modal transport market. We have so far been granted railway licenses in The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Germany. We plan to expand into more European countries and obtain our own license in these countries in order to secure growth and promote ERS Railways' expansion strategy. The term sustainability is often heard these days. Recent global developments show that we will continuously have to rethink our energy consumption. Today, 100% of our long haul trains is already pulled by electric locomotives. In 2010, we joined EcoTransIT in order to have access to a trusted source of information about emissions. ERS Railways is authorized to issue certified reports on the amount of CO2 and other emissions saved. Safety is a top priority at ERS Railways and rail has proven to be the safest way to transport goods. We retain a leading position when it comes to operational safety. Comprehensive training programmes as well as regular medical checks for our locomotive drivers go far beyond current market standards. Protecting employee safety is fundamental to ensuring the reliability of our services.

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ERS Railways B.V's headquarter address
Line 1: 2b waalhaven z.z., rotterdam, south holland, netherlands, 3088 hh
Line 2: 2B Waalhaven Z.Z.
ERS Railways B.V's industries
Truck Transportation
ERS Railways B.V's technology
Apache Google Font API MailJet Mobile Friendly Outlook PHP 5.3 ShinyStat
People working at ERS Railways B.V
Bernd Decker
Managing Director
Daniƫl Sikkens
Legal counsel
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Magdalena Tuhumury
Credit en Cash Co-Ordinator
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
jesus marin
field tech
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Jim Perry
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Kevin Fowlkes
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Daniel Ludwig
Business Application Manager
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Eduardo Microsol
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Lotte Vaa
Operations manager
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Robert Mosheim
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
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