Družba ESOTECH, d.d. uspešno izvaja projekte obnove in novogradnje na področju termoenergetike, hidroenergetike, daljinske energetike, distribucije električne energije in tehnoloških sistemov v industriji. Skupaj s strateškimi partnerji družba razvija in izvaja implementacijo okoljevarstvenih tehnologij na področju varovanja zraka, čiščenja vod in ravnanja z odpadki. Preko rezultatov lastnega razvoja in sodelovanja s partnerji, družba razpolaga z naborom tehnologij, ki jih trži in izvaja v Sloveniji in na trgih jugovzhodne Evrope, v obliki storitev izvedbenega kakor tudi svetovalnega inženiringa. *** Company ESOTECH, d.d. successfully executes renovation and new construction projects in the field of thermal power, hydropower, district energy, distribution of electricity and technological systems in industry. Together with strategic partners, the company develops and implements environmental protection technologies in the field of air protection, water treatment and waste management. Through the results of its own development and cooperation with its partners, the company has a range of technologies that are marketed and implemented in Slovenia and in the markets of South-Eastern Europe, in the form of implementation as well as consulting engineering services.
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