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ESYLUX develops, manufactures and distributes intelligent automation and lighting solutions that ensure better quality of life and energy efficiency in office buildings, educational institutions and health facilities. People's requirements and needs are central to what we do. To meet this standard, we use our experience in electronics and automation for development in areas such as LED-based systems for energy-efficient, biologically effective light. The perspective ranges from the comprehensive automation and lighting of the individual room to networking and integration into building-wide systems. In view of the often complex requirements we encounter in the process, we place particular value on the simple application of our product solutions. Our customers and partners are wholesalers, installation companies, electrical and lighting planners and architects who trust our 50 years of market experience and the personal specialist advice our experts provide. Furthermore, we meet the highest quality standards in our research, development and production at our German location in Ahrensburg. Our sales organisation is global: ESYLUX operates in collaboration with experienced trading partners and is represented by a lot of subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and Oceania.

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ESYLUX's headquarter address
Line 1: 40 an der strusbek, ahrensburg, schleswig-holstein, germany, 22926
Line 2: 40 An der Strusbek
ESYLUX's industries
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
ESYLUX's technology
Apache Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook Typekit
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