Etapak Ambalaj

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ETAPAK Packaging Corporation offers Label and Packaging solutions to it's customers in FMCG sector for their worldwide premium brands. We produce LABELS and FLEXIBLES for alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages, food, chocolate, candy, chewing gum, biscuit, cake, dry foods, round cheese box, soap, cigarette and industrial products packages on a modern and high-tech plant located in Izmir, Turkey. We rely on our state of art ROTOGRAVURE presses of wide widths, printing up to 10 colors which makes possibble to print on any kind of substrates with partial hotmelt, thermo lacquering, special lacquering and partial cold seal techniques. We count on printing quality of our OFFSET and FLEXO techniques with UV lacquering, hot foil, cold foil and mono twin cut applications. We believe that our dynamic and experienced employees are our greatest assets where each of them plays a crucial role in our successful growth history.

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People working at Etapak Ambalaj
Ertan Sezgin
Bilgi Sistemleri Müdürü
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Gokhan Kirca
Production Manager
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Feyza Çalışkan
Research And Development Manager
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Müge Arısan
Local Sales & Sales Support Executive
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Serdar Erler
Managing Partner
Purchasing Executive
Sales Director
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Işıl Tezcan
Tedarik Zinciri Müdürü
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Merve Bozkurt
HR Business Partner (Senior HR Specialist)
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
Berna Sarigil Yücesoy
Satın Alma Sorumlusu
İzmir, İzmir, Turkey
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