Euler Hermes North America

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Trade with Confidence.Euler Hermes is a global provider in trade credit insurance, surety bonds, commercial debt collection, and more. Our services enable companies to choose the right customers and markets, protecting their financial health and cash flow from bad debt losses.We empower businesses to trade with confidence through: - Knowledge: Our worldwide research team delivers economic intelligence, market insights and industry risk analysis that provide valuable insight into the financial stability of the companies our clients do business with. - Growth Acceleration: We help clients avoid catastrophic losses and grow profitability by minimizing commercial and political risks encountered in trading. - Peace of Mind: We actively monitor our clients’ accounts to provide advance warning of potential threats and handle claims and collections so our clients can stay focused on their business.Euler Hermes, a subsidiary of Allianz, is listed on Euronext Paris (ELE.PA). We are rated AA by Standard & Poor’s. For more information visit www.eulerhermes.us or follow us on Twitter @eulerhermesNA.Sign-up for our newsletter by visiting this url: https://info.eulerhermes.us/subscribe.html

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Euler Hermes North America's headquarter address
Line 1: 1 place des saisons, owings mills, maryland, united states
Euler Hermes North America's industries
Euler Hermes North America's technology
Trade Credit Insurance Surety Bonds Commercial Debt Collection
People working at Euler Hermes North America
Aaron Lindstrom
Regional Head of Transformation and Digital Partnerships
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Victor Espinosa
Director of Strategic Underwriting Initiatives
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
James Daly
Chief Executive Officer, Americas Region
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
David Green
VP, Information Technology & Administration
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Noll Saunders, MBA
Sales Vice President
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Nick Fow
Sales Vice President
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Daniela Pardo
Marketing Manager
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Christina Montes de Oca
Chief Commercial Officer
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Lee Fahrenz
Sales Vice President
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Brett Bronstein
Sales Vice President
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
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