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Evertree is leading a sustainable revolution in industrial solutions and materials with cost competitive, plant-based chemicals that offer the same or better performance than petroleum-based chemicals. By most estimations, 90% of the chemicals used in industrial processes and material today are petroleum derivatives. They are everywhere: in resins, coatings, paints, building materials, cars and cosmetics, to name just a few. Plant-based (or bio-based) chemicals have long been a promising alternative to fossilbased chemicals, but until now several technical and economic obstacles have prevented plant-based chemicals from being used at an industrial scale. Evertree is a young company revolutionizing industrial processes and materials, thanks to our unique portfolio of proprietary technologies with nine patents families as of today. We also have a robust product and patent development pipeline, proven plant-based solutions and strong financial backing. Very soon we will have on-demand industrial capacity. Our first application has already been successfully used in full-scale wood composite panel production in the United States. It significantly reduces the use of petroleum-based resin and even removing the need for formaldehyde-based resin, thereby helping to build a more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and healthier world.

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People working at Evertree
Xavier Rançon
Technology Intelligence & Intellectual Property Manager - European Patent Attorney
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Joe Lynch
General Manager
Fabien Brenneval
Board Member
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Camille Caps
Apprentie ingenieur chimiste
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Nicolas Masson
Chief Executive Officer
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Xavier Le Fur
Director of Innovation and Business Development
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Ryan Lurk
Applications Development Chemist
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Solène Roux
Lilou Jacquemont
Assistante ingénieure projet
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
Contrôleuse qualité
Bienville, Hauts-de-France, France
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