Change is being demanded by customers, employees, investors and PR statements aren't cutting it anymore. We help science & tech executives create guided and actionable Policies with every POINT ONE's Standards. At Every POINT ONE, PBC our Standards support multiple aspects of your business, including HR, People, Sales, Marketing, Product Development & Leadership. ✨RECRUITMENT & RETENTION✨ Socially Responsible Personnel Management can be overwhelming. EP1 Standards provide clear guidance on getting talent in the door and maintaining a work environment where they will want to stay. ✨PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT & DATA BIASES✨ Undetected bias can capsize a product before it even has a chance to launch. EP1 Standards allow a company to know where to build checks and balances directly into the product development process ✨SALES & MARKETING✨ Your community is listening. What are you saying to them? EP1 Standards highlight the critical items in any communications effort to ensure content put in front of potential customers is non-derogatory and inclusive.
- website: http://www.everypointone.com
- twitter: https://twitter.com/everyPOINTONE
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/everypointone