Evnine & Associates, Inc.

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Evnine & Associates (EvA) is a quantitative financial consulting firm, advising asset management firms and allocators. The firm is headed by Dr. Jeremy Evnine, who is a former quantitative investment manager with 30+ years of industry leadership including founding and running two successful businesses: an alternative asset management firm and a custom financial software firm. He has had a lifelong passion and enthusiasm for learning and developing cutting-edge investment theory, technology, and strategy. He contributes frequently in an educational capacity, including serving as a university instructor, an extensively published researcher, and a conference speaker. His areas of expertise include: • financial engineering • derivatives pricing • quantitative equity strategies • risk management • tactical and strategic asset allocation • firm management

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Evnine & Associates, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 6451 florio street, oakland, ca 94618, us
Line 2: 6451 Florio St
Evnine & Associates, Inc.'s industries
financial services
Evnine & Associates, Inc.'s technology
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People working at Evnine & Associates, Inc.
Jeremy Evnine
President & CEO
Oakland, California, United States
Mayra Garcia
Office Manager
Oakland, California, United States
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