Executive Coaching Bootcamp

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COACH TRAINING: Become an ICF Certified (ACC/PCC) Executive Coach. Gain an executive coaching certification that gives you everything you need to be in the top 5% of coaches worldwide. Visit www.executivecoachingbootcamp.com COACHING SERVICES: Our philosophy is simpleā€¦ Focus on value, measurable results, and impact from the client's point of view. We start with specific challenges that leaders, executives, managers, business owners, up-and-coming talent, and other professionals face. From there, we offer practical coaching solutions to address those challenges. Our solutions are grounded in research from psychology and best practices in leadership and organizational development. More importantly, they have been applied in the field, in over 32 countries by coaches around the world, and they work. Visit www.executivecoachingbootcamp.com

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Ridhima Dosani, ICF-PCC Lead Coach
London, England, United Kingdom
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