Executive Evolution

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Executive Evolution is a Dubai based Recruitment Consultancy covering Middle Eastern and international markets. Our mission is to be a strategic and indispensable recruiting partner to employers. For job seekers, our mission is to be a go-to resource and to enhance job hunting capabilities. Our team is comprised of only recruitment experts who have experience working in-house as well as at external agencies. With a background in Business Management and Human Resource Management, our team is able to focus on overall business priorities and link them to short and long term recruitment strategies. We are able to guide our clients on best practices within the recruitment initiatives. Executive Evolution cater to various sectors such as Information Technology, Finance, Retail, Telecom, Oil and Gas, Construction and Hospitality for executive and non-executive positions, our experience is to help any hiring employer that we can by utilizing the resources we have on hand.

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staffing & recruiting
People working at Executive Evolution
Goverment l Security l Education I Intelligence Recruitement Consultant Willy Mulet
Recruitement Consultant & Executives Headhunter / Founder of WakeEvo
Lindsey O'Quinn
Resource Consultant
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