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IT Services and Business Automation Software Exedee is a unique and successful Kiwi tech/SaaS only services company, founded in New Zealand by Desi Lorand 15 years ago as Power Business Services, and in Australia 8 years ago as eCloud Business Services – and recently re-branded as Exedee. The Exedee suite of eSolutions uses the company's key cloud computing software products. Our software suite has expanded significantly, now providing an impressive range of cutting-edge, highly automated information processing and data management software. We electronically process a wide variety of complex business data and documents. The company's promise is to consistently deliver data to users that is >99% accurate - including data from a variety of sources such as electronic files and documents, scanned paper, plus different back-end computer systems – with the combined data presented in a single screen for a user. Our software is also increasingly used to integrate with Bots and we can overcome the limitations encountered by our customers when using Bots. Typically, the Bots automate part of a business process only. So our services start where the Bots stop, to complete the end-to-end business processing required. We focus on making business automation easy, exact and effortless – through automatically processing and actioning emails and their attachments, and processing invoices, statements and sales orders. Customers include large Government agencies, Councils, distributors, retail chains and health organisations. Power Business Services (now trading as Exedee) is a New Zealand-owned company with over 50 staff. The NZ business has offices in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Invercargill, with Exedee Australia having 2 offices in Melbourne. The company is on an exciting global expansion growth trajectory. The re-brand to Exedee is an investment giving the company a cutting-edge, single/unified brand going forward – in NZ, Australia and the US.

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information technology & services
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Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Nginx WordPress.org reCAPTCHA
People working at Exedee
Arjen Maarleveld
Executive Advisor
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Desi Lorand
Chief Executive
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Angus Cuthbertson
General Manager, Sales & Support
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Sigrun Grice
Chief Marketing Officer + Advisory Board + Project Manager
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Hamish Wiig
Advisory Board Member
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Brian Bernon
Customer Support and Business Consultant
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Viraj Rajaguru
Senior Software Engineer
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Melanie Stephens
Business Automation and Digitisation Services
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Himanshu Negi
Domino Software Developer
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
pratikshya bhatta
Data Entry Assistant
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
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