exploreB2B is the first "Dating site for Businesses": ExploreB2B is the first content oriented b2b communication platform that revolves around the articles that users submit, which other users and companies can search by category, read and comment and in the end selectively gather a network of skillful collaborators that suit just their needs. On exploreb2b firms can build connections also through "open requests", an open bidding tool. Submit your request, down to every detail or keep it simple and generic and other users will provide useful feed-backs, links to relevant content and, most importantly, other capable companies will contact you with requests for proposals. you find us here: www.exploreB2B.com exploreB2B ist die "Datingplattform für Firmen" - eine Artikel-basierte Kommunikations- und Diskussions-Plattform für den B2B Bereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre geschäftlichen Interessen zum: Vernetzen, Kommunizieren, Zusammenarbeiten exploreB2B – Networking that works. Die Internetplattform finden Sie unter www.exploreB2B.com!
- website: http://www.exploreb2b.com
- facebook: facebook.com/exploreb2bintl
- twitter: http://twitter.com/@exploreB2B
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/exploreb2b
- angellist: http://angel.co/exploreb2b