EY Law LLP - Business Immigration

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Established in 1998, EY Law LLP is an independent law firm affiliated with the global professional services firm Ernst & Young (EY). Our approximately 500 United States and Canadian business immigration professionals support our clients in addressing the most challenging obligations imposed by immigration law and regulation throughout North America. Supported by the use of technology in process initiation, tracking and reporting, and housed within an encompassing EY's People Advisory Services group, our firm is one of over 140 EY business immigration practices worldwide that provide seamless and integrated business immigration services to Fortune 100 and start ups alike. Our organization's focus is firmly situated on a wide variety of business immigration advisory and compliance matters. In a world with increasing complexity of - and rapidly changing rules related to - cross-border mobility, and in conjunction with our mobility tax colleagues within EY globally, EY Law is ideally suited to work with our institutional clients to improve mobility outcomes and strengthen our clients' immigration programs.

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EY Law LLP - Business Immigration's headquarter address
Line 1: Toronto, Ontario, CA
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People working at EY Law LLP - Business Immigration
Stephanie Lipstein
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Samantha Weizel
U.S. Immigration Attorney, Senior Associate, Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alyssa Marianna Yeip-Lewerenz
Manager, Senior Associate Attorney - People Advisory Services
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wennie Wu
Canadian Immigration Law Clerk at EY Law LLP (Canada) - People Advisory Services
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Odalis Mairena
Law Clerk (Staff/Assistant)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alexandra Nikidis
Associate Attorney
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Stella Tan
Senior Global Immigration Coordinator
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sarah B.
Law Clerk
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Stephen Smethers
Senior Law Clerk
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Daniela Rodriguez Arias
Program Manager - Recruitment & Talent Management
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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