F&P | Creating Communities

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+++ Ab Oktober 2022 führen wir bei F&P die 4-Tage-Woche ein. Bedeutet: Wir arbeiten unternehmensweit nur noch 32 h/Woche – und das bei Vollzeitgehalt! Getreu unserem Unternehmenswert "Vorsprünge Schaffen" treten wir für die Work-Life-Balance der Zukunft ein und gehen mutig voraus in eine neue Arbeitswelt. #32istdasneue40 +++ Starting in October '22 we'll be introducing the 4-day work week at F&P. This means we'll be working only 32 h per week – with full wage compensation! In line with our corporate value "creating innovative avenues", we are shaping the work-life balance of the future and boldy embarking on a new world of work. #32istdasneue40 Online agency, e-business or start-up? We don`t easily fit a particular niche. As a company with our own digital brand, we define ourselves through our common aim: Creating Communities. Founded in 1990 as a conventional advertising agency, we have advanced especially within the digital context over the past 19 years. Our focus, for more than 6 years, has been on one of the most interesting online products within the German speaking market: JOYclub. With over 130 employees in Leipzig and Selbitz we have been busily creating a community for over 3,4 million JOYclub members, establishing JOYclub as the market leader within the area of erotic communities.

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F&P | Creating Communities's headquarter address
Line 1: 12 karl-liebknecht-straße, leipzig, saxony, germany
Line 2: 12 Karl-Liebknecht-Straße
F&P | Creating Communities's industries
F&P | Creating Communities's technology
Blue Host Bootstrap Framework CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Constant Contact Mobile Friendly Paypal WordPress.org YouTube
People working at F&P | Creating Communities
Ingmar Ackermann
Chief Executive Officer
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Thomas Lange
Chief Product Officer (Produktleiter)
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Katharina Zander
Head of People & Culture
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Anja Neumann
Feelgood Managerin
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Josephine Hentschel
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Gunther Stolbrink
Product Owner
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Stephan Strehlow
Chief Marketing Officer
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Carl-Christian Sautter
Senior Cloud Engineer
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Liv Rothhaar
Happiness Manager
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Steffen Willschuetz
Head Of New Business
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
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