F.S. Mackenzie (Moscow office)

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Welcome to F.S.Mackenzie F.S. Mackenzie, the privately-owned international freight forwarding company, has been in the shipping and transport industry for more than fifty years. Founded in 1951 as a UK-based domestic service provider, F.S. Mackenzie has since joined the global arena. Today the F.S. Mackenzie Group is represented by fourteen offices in the European, Asian and African continents, offering the complete transport and logistics package by road, sea and air worldwide. With a Group turnover in excess of 100 million U.S. Dollars, and with one of the finest credit ratings in the service sector, F.S. Mackenzie has become an exceptionally strong, reliable company which is well placed to serve clients' needs in the transport industry.

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F.S. Mackenzie (Moscow office)'s headquarter address
Line 1: Bowden House, Luckyn Lane, Basildon, Essex. SS14 3AX, Basildon, GB
Line 2: Luckyn Lane
People working at F.S. Mackenzie (Moscow office)
Tatevik Mkrtchyan
Head of LCL department
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Valeriy Tevkin
Airfreight business development manager
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Olesya Belousova
Manager of Multimodal Department (FCL)
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Andrey Pavlikhin
Branch Manager in Novorossiysk
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Manfred Burbach
Anton Sovpel
Business Development Manager in Russia
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Elena Sadykova
Finance Director Russia, Georgia and Urkaine
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Dmitry Vedernikov
Head of warehouse
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
Илья Никифоров
Business development manager
Андрей Зелепукин
директор филиала в г. Москва
Basildon, England, United Kingdom
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