Fa-Ma Jersey SpA

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Nonwovens for medical, personal hygiene, cleaning applications. Production facility in Italy - Specialized in cotton spunlace Nonwovens for protective mask Production of non-woven fabrics for masks, surgical gowns, sanitizing wipes, cloths for professional cleaning Non-woven fabrics for medical applications, personal hygiene and room cleaning Production plant in Pistoia specialized in cotton spunlace History Transforming ideas, wishes and needs into products and services for every customer This is our mission since 1963 Fama Jersey is a leading manufacturer of non-woven fabric, and constantly committed to improving the state of the art of its production lines and products From cloths for cleaning and personal hygiene, the needs of each customer are reflected in the design and production The wide variety of uses that non-woven fabric offers, and a wide range of innovative and flexible technologies, guarantee excellent results

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People working at Fa-Ma Jersey SpA
Roberta Maranghi
Marco Maranghi
•R&D - nonwovens area presso Fa-Ma Jersey Spa
Stefano Fagni
Responsabile Produzione
Laura Parenti
Assistant Administrative Director
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Marco Rosso
Responsabile vendite e consulenza strategica
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Federico Urbani
Addetto alla manutenzione elettrica
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Carla Berger
Sales EMEA
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Paola De Martino
Ingegnere chimico
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Stefanelli Fama
Perito chimico
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
Mariangela Fondi
Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy
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