Faber-Castell International Indonesia

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Faber-Castell is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality products for writing, colouring and creative design. The international group of companies was originally founded over 250 years ago (in 1761) as a pencil factory in Stein near Nuremberg, Germany. It is thus one of the oldest industrial companies in the world; in its 8th generation now, the company is headed by Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castell. Today, the Faber-Castell group produces over 2 billion black-lead and colour pencils every year, making it the world's largest pencil manufacturer. Faber-Castell employs approximately 6,500 people in 15 production sites and 25 sales organizations around the world. Through the 250 years of existence, while continuing to expand its own horizons, the group has earned its global presence through its unyielding commitment towards quality and innovation.

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People working at Faber-Castell International Indonesia
Yandramin Halim
Managing Director
Eddy Chandra
IT Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nela Realino
Digital Marketing Specialist
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Andri Kurniawan
Public Relations Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Shania E
Product Executive
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nadea Rahmah Ramadhani
Product Executive
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Po Kwie Ong
Gen. Mgr. Fin. & Adm.
Fendy Lim
Supply Chain Analyst and system development
Elsa Mapaliey
Head Of Research And Development
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ega Adelwin
Product Executive
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
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