FAI Automotive PLC

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FAI Automotive Plc, based in Leighton Buzzard, England, is one of the UK's leading independent distributors of replacement automotive parts. Here at FAI we offer an all-makes programme with the FAI brand, covering European, Japanese and Korean passenger cars and light commercial vans. We distribute throughout the UK to the garage industry, via a network of local stockists (Motor Factors) together with direct supply to engine re-conditioners. Also we have an ever growing export division doing business in over 55 countries around the world. Operating out of a premise covering 67,500 square feet in total, our current range of products consists of over 40,000 part numbers, covering 100+ vehicle manufacturers and at any time, our average parts inventory totals over 5,000,000 items. Here at FAI we believe our continuing success has been achieved by maintaining certain key principles: • Technical Excellence • Quality Products • Superb Valve for Money • High Picking Rate - 98%​> • First Class Cataloguing • Outstanding Customer Relations

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Line 1: f a i automotive plc chiltern trading estate, leighton buzzard, england, united kingdom
Line 2: Chiltern Trading Estate
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