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FAMED Lodz history dates back before World War II, when, under the name Elektrosan, the company produces medical equipment, among others for Military Hospital in Lodz. Company name has been changed since then, but the business area remained the same. Currently FAMED Lodz is a respected manufacturer of medical lighting systems around the world. The company has in its offer operating lights, surgical and diagnostic lamps intended for use in doctors' offices. The offer includes also germicidal lamps to sterilize the air using UV light. Lamps manufactured by Famed use as a light source conventional halogen bulbs, but LEDs ensure greater service life, high light intensity and saving electricity. In addition, operating lights made in LED technology have the ability to attach only green LEDs, which allows you to perform endoscopic procedures (highest hemoglobin absorption occurs at a wavelength corresponding to the color green, so that the green light is not generated reflections which would hinder the interpretation of the endoscopic image). We are recognized in Poland and abroad manufacturer of high quality medical equipment. Many years of operation of the company in the medical industry, the experience gained in connection with the use of modern technology guarantee the high quality of our products. We are able to adapt to the individual needs of each client in terms of the equipment, which makes our products tailored to the needs of our customers. We provide high quality products, professional service and professional advice - by the quality assurance system ISO 9001: 2015. NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN GOOD LIGHT is our mission that we realize in order to fully meet the expectations of our customers.

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FAMED ŁÓDŹ S.A.'s headquarter address
Line 1: Dostawcza 3, Łódź, Woj. Łódzkie 93-231, PL
Line 2: 3 ulica Dostawcza
FAMED ŁÓDŹ S.A.'s industries
Medical Equipment Manufacturing
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People working at FAMED ŁÓDŹ S.A.
Maciej Szymalak
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Małgorzata Tryluk-Angerman
Pełnomocnik Zarządu ds. zarządzania jakością , Kierownik Działu Logistyki i Jakości
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Mateusz Baranowski
Regional Key Account Manager
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Leszek Kaniewski
Commercial Director
Sławomir Gładys
Dyrektor Techniczny
Jarosław Benka
Business Development Manager
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Agnieszka Leśniewicz
Export Manager
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Sławomir Stępień
Kierownik projektu
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
Magdalena Koczorowicz
Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży Krajowej
Radzisław Suchta
Lakiernik proszkowy
Łódź, Łódzkie, Poland
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