Fat Brain Toys

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Like many categories, the toy industry is comprised of companies big and small. Neither large nor small, we like to think of ourselves as "The Little Engine That Could"​. Begun as a literal garage start-up 14 years ago, Fat Brain Toys has boldly put itself "​in front of the great heavy trains"​ in the toy industry, finding success by offering quality toys, innovative design, and what many customers have called "shocking"​ customer service. Our mission? To demonstrate to the American consumer that there is an "alternate universe"​ of toys available to them. With the decline of the local independent toy store, toy selection has become dramatically limited to only those products found on the shelves of the local big box retailer (think disposable-character-driven-plastic-violent-battery-operated toys). In contrast, Fat Brain Toys promotes design-centric toys and games that educate AND entertain. Fat Brain Toys is comprised of four distinct sales channels, each working in concert to bring back better toys & games to the American household. - Online Retail - Brick & Mortar Retail - Direct Mail Catalog - Wholesale But more than anything, we are still a small, family owned and operated business that takes great pride in our ability to offer exceptional service to each and every customer. We appreciate your interest in Fat Brain Toys!

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Fat Brain Toys's headquarter address
Line 1: 1405 N. 205th St, Elkhorn, NE 68022, US
Line 2: 1405 North 205th Street
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People working at Fat Brain Toys
Mark Carson
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Danielle Parde
Digital Marketing Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Adam Hocherman
Sr. Vice President of Product Development & Innovation
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Tres Patten
Sales Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Dan Huter
Director of Specialty Sales
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Paige Vinkenberg
Digital Marketing Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Carol Franksen
E-commerce/Merchandising Director
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Rana Schenke
Associate Brand Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Yuli (Milk) Xu
Project Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Randy Ruhl
Fat Brain Toys Reciving Manager
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
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