Bundesamt fur Umwelt BAFU

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The Federal Office for the Environment FOEN (Switzerland) is the federal government's centre of environmental expertise and is part of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication DETEC. The mission of the Federal Office is to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources including soil, water, air, quietness and forests. It is responsible for the protection against natural hazards, safeguarding the environment and human health against excessive impacts, and conserving biodiversity and landscape quality. It is also responsible for international environmental policy.

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Bundesamt fur Umwelt BAFU's headquarter address
Line 1: Worblentalstrasse 68, Bern, 3063, CH
Line 2: 68 Worblentalstrasse
Bundesamt fur Umwelt BAFU's industries
Government Administration
People working at Bundesamt fur Umwelt BAFU
Rainer Andreas Weiss
IT Enterprise Architect
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Anne-Claire Pliska
Mitglied Bürgschaftskomitee Technologiefonds / Membre Commission Cautionnement Fonds Technologique
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Dr. Petra Zimmermann
Vice Director, International Affairs, Law, Finance, HR, Data, IT, Services, Translations
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Christian Holzgang
Fachexperte Wasserbau
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Thomas Wehrle
Experte im WHFF-CH
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Isabel Junker
Leiterin Sektion Siedlungsabfälle, Bundesamt für Umwelt
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Robert Jenni
Collaborateur scientifique
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Franziska Humair Kuhn
management of the action plan to implement the Swiss biodiversity strategy
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Fabia Hüsler
Deputy Head of Section / Scientific Officer
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
Katrin Compostella
Leiterin Human Resources
Ittigen, Berne, Switzerland
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