Female Disruptors

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We spotlight women who are disruptors in their space. They know their flow. They are the flow. They share the flow. They keep going. They do not look back. We help inspire future female disruptors and offer advocacy, education and inspiration to get from point a to point b when you feel lost and alone. Female Disruptors is a passion project by Lisa Buyer. Its mission is to spotlight women who are disruptors in their space. You don't need a best selling book to be a female disruptor, you need passion, vision, focus. compassion, determination and a burning desire to share this with the world. Breaking down barriers whether it's glass ceilings, algorithms, systems, regulations, traditions, accusations, equations. Inspiring hashtags #LeanIn #MeToo #NeverAgain #BalanceForBetter #EqualPay #FemaleDisruptors #SheInspiresMe

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People working at Female Disruptors
Lisa Buyer
Founder, Editor
Kennedy Carbert
NFT Artist/ Collaborator with Lisa Buyer
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