FIABCI - Canada

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FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation founded in 1951 in Paris is a worldwide network open to all professionals associated with the real estate industry. FIABCI-Canada, is a chapter which provides access and opportunity for the real estate industry and related communities to share and inspire best practices worldwide. located in more than 70 countries 49 national and multinational chapters 99 professional associations 82 academic institutions 13 public instuttions 2,300 regular members 1,000,000 associate members FIABCI community gathers stakeholders of real estate industry over 40 professions Architects - Urban Planners, Landscape Architects, Interior Designers, Civil Engineers... Brokers - Residential, Office, Industrial, Retail, Leisure, Land... Developers - Renovation, Re-Lease, Construction, Promotion... Investors - Banks, Private Equities, International Financial Institutions, Business Angels... Managers - Portfolio Managers, Asset Managers, Property Managers... Other Experts- Surveyors, Lawyers, Notaries, Educators, Audits and Certification, Insurance Companies, Journalist...

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FIABCI - Canada's headquarter address
Line 1: 37 chisholm st, oakville, ontario l6k, ca
Line 2: 37 Chisholm St
FIABCI - Canada's industries
Real Estate
FIABCI - Canada's technology
Amazon AWS Mobile Friendly
People working at FIABCI - Canada
Carlos Sousa
FIABCI Canada Director (2019)
Seyfi Tomar, Broker, CIPS, RENE, BEng, ABR
Secretary General
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
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