Firasa Strategies

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After cultivating and crafting years of experience in the community, it was time to give back. Starting from humble beginnings, the impact by our team to the community, to individuals, to organization have been immeasurable. Whether it was through mentoring someone in the right direction and allowing them to become better and do better, or if it was supporting organisations that impacted thousands of their beneficiaries or directly supporting grass roots communities with direct action, we were becoming more fulfilled and more motivated to achieve great things. This is why Firasa Strategies came into play, it is a tool to help us achieve our vision; To be able to serve the various aspects and fragilities of society, sharing inspired solutions to modern situations, as well as giving a platform for people to become better and positive contributors to their own lives and community. How we work and what we do… We carefully select who we work with and ensure that it will contribute to the legacy that we want to set. We do what we know best, we stick to our specialties, and help connect those who can do where we cannot. Our services focus on key areas in support for any individual or organisation and is done in a way to help with maximum impact. Our support is deliberately aimed to be short-term independent to help build capacity for a self-sustaining model for our clients.

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Syed R.
NGO and Strategy Consultant
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