FORCE Technology Norway AS

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FORCE Technology Norway is a leading technological consultancy company, built on years of experience with innovative development and problem solving. We specialise in understanding how materials and structures work and respond under any given circumstance, onshore, offshore and subsea. Globally, we represent approximately 1 500 employees, serving customers in more than 60 countries. In Norway, we specialise within: - Corrosion & materials - Asset integrity management - Inspection & testing - Structural analysis & engineering - Structural health monitoring - Training & certification of personnel Our human resources is what allows FORCE Technology Norway to stay in the forefront of technological development. We value innovation and entrepreneurship, which is partly what lead us to where we are today – with cutting edge solutions that are varied and versatile, capable of solving the most complex challenges in a cost efficient manner. Continuous learning and perfection is an essential aspect to our progress. For more information about FORCE Technology Norway, please visit our website www.forcetechnology.com/no. Visit www.figs.no for more information on FiGS® CP survey.

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People working at FORCE Technology Norway AS
Håkon Hallem
Managing Director at FORCE Technology Norway AS
Asker, Viken, Norway
Hege Kverneland
Board Member
Asker, Viken, Norway
Thomas Haugen
Finance Manager
Asker, Viken, Norway
Alexander Fjeldly
Vice President Structural Integrity and Environment
Asker, Viken, Norway
Svenn Magne Wigen
BD/Sales Manager
Asker, Viken, Norway
Lina Thompsen
Asker, Viken, Norway
Leiv Grytten
BD/Sales Manager
Asker, Viken, Norway
Bjarne Kristoffersen
Vice President
Asker, Viken, Norway
Kevin Frank
Head of Department CP Management
Asker, Viken, Norway
Magnus Weberg
Senior Engineer
Asker, Viken, Norway
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