FOX Subsea AS

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FOX Subsea is an integrated service and expertise for SPS-contractors' total scope of work. Our mission is to add safe, sustainable and reliable technology, experience and high-quality equipment within intervention, completion and P&A operations. By integrated service, our focus is to assist and add value for our clients all over the world. FOX Subsea own and operates a state-of-the-art toolpool of modular subsea control systems, available as rental for your next operations. The MODFOX Modular Subsea Control System is designed and manufactured for, but not limited to installation and testing of subsea Xmas Trees in water depths up to 3000 meters. Traditionally subsea workover systems are either set up as an open-water umbilical only (SWOCS typical) or ROV only system (RWOCS typical whereas the customer will have to choose a preferred option and adapt the operational sequence thereafter long before the system goes into operation mobilization. The MODFOX system is designed to be modular adaptable to fit the operation, having the customers being able to call of fast-track re-configurations if operational sequence and / or schedule changes.

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People working at FOX Subsea AS
Bjørn Tore Lien
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Jan-Robert Lingjærde
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Kenneth Storlid
Project Manager
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Tor Martin Vigre
Rental Fleet & Equipment Manager
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Magnus Liland
System Engineer
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Beate Folkvord
Project Coordinator
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Noel Tidbury
Project Delivery Manager
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Tomas Klingsheim
Operations Engineer
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
Beate Folkvord
Project Coordinater
Bryne, Rogaland, Norway
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