Fox Valley Park District

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The Fox Valley Park District is a dynamic and growing park district that serves a diverse population of more than 236,000 people. Recognized as an Illinois Distinguished Agency, Fox Valley holds the nation's highest honor as a National Gold Medal Award winner for excellence in park and recreation management. Serving the communities of Aurora, Montgomery and North Aurora, the District maintains 168 parks and 48 miles of inter-connected regional trails amid 2,500 acres of parkland. Connected by the Fox River, our communities are tied together by the District's commitment to promote vibrant, healthy lifestyles through fun and safe recreation opportunities that are environmentally and fiscally responsible. The Fox Valley Park District…Where Fun Begins!

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Fox Valley Park District's headquarter address
Line 1: 101 W Illinois Ave., Aurora, Illinois 60506, US
Line 2: 101 W Illinois Ave
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People working at Fox Valley Park District
Jeff Logan
Deputy Chief of Police
Aurora, Illinois, United States
John Kramer
Director of Operations
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Larry Lapp
Chief of Police
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Katie Garrett, CPRP
Marketing & Digital Communications Manager
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Allan Villegas
Police Officer
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Brian Barry, CPRP, CPSI
Operations Supervisor at Oakhurst East Maintenance
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Kara Reid
Athletic Manager
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Carter Patton, CPRP
Recreation Supervisor
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Candy Shankle
Human Resources Administrator
Aurora, Illinois, United States
Kyle Halverson
Director of Marketing & Communications
Aurora, Illinois, United States
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