Freeman Clarke

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Freeman Clarke is the largest and most experienced team of fractional CIOs, CTOs CISOs, and IT Directors. Ambitious businesses need an outstanding technology leader. We aren't interims, consultants or freelancers. We are impartial Board-level Technology leaders who become a member of your senior team on a part-time (fractional) basis, with no contractual lock in and at a fraction of the cost of a full-timer. We are regionally focussed, and we work exclusively with mid-market organisations. We focus on helping our clients with: - Technology, strategy and vision - Team development and leadership - Custom software and digital - Business systems, integration and reporting - Risk management, security and infrastructure - Add value for Private Equity To find out more, feel free to get in touch or visit the website www.freemanclarke.co.uk / www.freemanclarke.com

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Freeman Clarke's headquarter address
Line 1: 30 st giles', oxford, oxfordshire, united kingdom
Line 2: 30 St Giles
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information technology & services
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People working at Freeman Clarke
Simon Lascelles
Portfolio CIO | CTO | CISO | Technology Leader | Presenter | Mentor
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Marcus Sims
CIO / CTO / IT Director / Board Advisor
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Paul Williams
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Chris Hewertson
Principal | CIO | CTO | Board Advisory
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Madhu Bhabuta
Fractional CIO
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Paul Horowitz
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Clive Brett
Fractional CTO / CIO / IT Director
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Graeme Freeman
Co-Founder & Director
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Bob Visnov
Principal CTO / CIO
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Neil Pollard
Principal / CTO / CIO
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
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