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STARTING THE SALES CYCLE HAS ALWAYS BEEN HARD. But with the dramatic rise in remote working, it takes more effort than ever before to reach a prospect by phone. Random acts of prospecting simply aren't enough. You need a proven, effective outreach process to connect with your target market and create sales opportunities. And that's what we do. In fact, that's ALL we do. FRONTLINE Selling's outbound Lead Generation process is the fastest way to connect your sales reps with key prospects and execute authentic sales conversations - which are the only ones that matter. We help your team by creating Meaningful Interactions (MI) – a meaningful conversation, with a meaningful person at a meaningful time. Leverage our expertise to: ➢Create an effective outbound message that resonates ➢Uncover the person most likely to purchase solutions like yours ➢Deliver authentic conversations with the right people ➢Coach reps on proper first call execution with our powerful GPS software Let us generate more sales conversations for your team so your reps can sell more.

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FRONTLINE Selling's headquarter address
Line 1: Alpharetta, gA
FRONTLINE Selling's industries
management consulting
People working at FRONTLINE Selling
Jason Stone
President and CEO
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Tom Dunn
Former CEO FRONTLINE Selling
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Mike Scher
Co-Founder / Board Chairman
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Patrick Dahling
Director Of Client Services
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Heather Frady ⭐️
Growth & Strategy Manager
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Nancy Bennett Tutt
Senior Business Development Executive
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Dan McCann
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Suzette Lamour
Strategic Sales Manager
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Felicia Turner
Office Manager & Receptionist
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Gary Audette
Sr. Territory Sales Manager
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
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