We are FusePump, and we are digital marketing geeks. We help brands understand and apply technology to succeed in digital commerce. Using our clever web-scraping technology, we gather product information directly from ecommerce websites, and other digital sources. We optimise this data for use in a range of marketing applications, helping brands and retailers to improve their online performance. We build and manage data feeds, helping online retailers to reach more consumers online in more of the most popular channels. FusePump also uses the technology to offer awesome ecommerce intelligence and marketing insights to brands, and we can also gather product offers data from retail partners to give back to manufacturers, to help them play a more central role in marketing their own products online. It's all very clever. And how do we do all this? I'm so glad you asked. We have some pretty brilliant technology (that enables us to access a lot of data, and to do cool stuff with it) but the important thing is that we have really great people. Our technical crew perform miraculous optimisation wizardry while our commercial team provide astonishingly helpful service to customers. So do get in touch if you want to chat about how we can help consumers find (and buy) your products on the world wide wigwam.
- website: http://www.fusepump.com
- twitter: twitter.com/fusepump
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fusepump-ltd