Fysikes Biosolutions
OUR MISSION: To become a leader in bridging R&D-level carbon-negative technologies into executed operations, services and products supporting global efforts to combat climate change. OUR VALUE PROPOSITION: The degradation of Earth's Living Soil & Atmosphere has been an undesired externality of the Anthropocene. New markets, aligned with the concepts behind ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and Sustainability are well underway. The Biochar and Biofuels Value Chain is being developed in the US as well as in International Markets and have a bright role to play in the Bio-based Circular Economy. Clean fuels (Hydrogen) and Biochar can be produced via pyrolysis (super-heating biomass in closed-system ovens). This alternative carbon neutral process reduces green-house gases by offsetting fossil fuel use. Biochar has also been proven as an excellent resource to capture CO2, conserve water resources and to improve soil quality. It is, thus, a Carbon Negative solution. Via electro-photochemistry, captured CO2 and Hydrogen can be processed into methanol. And methanol, with added renewable energy, can be transformed into Sustainable Liquid Fuels. Fysikes will develop a pilot plant for processing between 3000 and 4000 tons/month of BioHydrogen and Biochar. Once the pilot plant is stable, we will expand the concept to different regions in the State of Texas and, eventually, nationally and globally.
- website: http://www.fysikes.bio
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/fysikes-biosolutions