Gareer Handbag Company

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Full Real Textile Company is a leading manufacturer in China of watch straps. We only concentrate on the highest quality watch straps with 18 years experiences. Our factory located around the biggest fabric and leather raw material town of SZ, we only use high quality materials for our products All our straps strictly produced with USA and Europe standard. We have a whole superior team to control the quality and delivery time. You will experience VIP service once you become to our client. Because our cor value is: the quality is the soul of our factory. We not only sale produts, we sale service. Our team: Sample team: 12 workers Design team: 4 workers, work with sample team to ensure products meet and exceed their requirements and expectations. QC team:26 workers(IQC,IPQA,PQC,FQC,OQC) Workshop: 138 workers Packing team: 21 workers let us help get you looking your best. Our depth of experience with product sourcing, customization and customer service means we will have you in success. We know your time is valuable. So let us do what we do best to help you do what you do best. email: sales01@frealtextile.com whatsapp:+86-18820907856

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