Gate Security K.K.

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Gate Security is a Business Communication and Information Security Consulting Company that was developed by a professional information theft specialist, with over 10 years of experience stealing, acquiring and extracting company business operations and employee private and personal information. The primary method of information extraction or theft that is used today is the practice of various forms of Information Theft Social Engineering (ITSE) to lie, con, or fool people through a telephone call, e-mail/text/IM, or by a personal meeting contact, to acquire the targeted information that is being sought after at the time. We use our vast experience and additional extensive information security research to provide people "The Human Element" of information security, the essential skills needed to be able to effectively safeguard and secure private and personal information at home, in public and at the workplace. Gate Security Services Gate Security provides the following services and consultations, tailored to your companies unique situation. Executive Business Consultation The Executive Business Security Consultation is a presentation to the company leadership that focuses on the information security threats the company business operations and its employees will face in its everyday operations. How to Build "The Human Firewall" Gate Security works together with the company to build "The Human Firewall" to fully protect the company's business operations and enable its employees to provide the highest level of information security for the company business operations and its employees as possible. Employee Training Course The employee information security training courses teach your company's staff how to protect private and personal information at home, in public and at the workplace. The employees who have information security training and a clear understanding of information security are far less likely to be a victim of information extraction or theft.

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Google Cloud Hosting
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Tim Adams
CEO Gate Security K.K.
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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