Geistlich Pharma

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Geistlich Pharma AG develops, produces and distributes medical devices and drugs (anti-infectives, vitamins) for regenerative medicine at the Wolhusen and Root sites in central Switzerland. The Swiss company forms part of the Geistlich group which has been in family hands since 1851. Geistlich Pharma and its three business units Geistlich Biomaterials, Geistlich Surgery and Geistlich Medical have ten subsidiaries and global distribution. Some 500 employees work for the company around the world. The company is a world leader in regenerative dentistry through its business unit Geistlich Biomaterials. The ownership structure enables the company to plan long-term and to consistently develop innovative products. Geistlich Pharma AG continuously invests in developing its research and technology and relies on its qualified and specialized employees. Currently Geistlich Pharma is - the global market leader in regenerative dentistry - the leader in biological bone and cartilage regeneration - supplies drugs and medical devices in selected application areas

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People working at Geistlich Pharma
Ralf Halbach
Chief Executive Officer
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Dr. Matthias P. DUNKEL
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Dominic Birrer
Digital Transformation Manager
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Erkan Mus
International Clinical Marketing Manager
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
John Halkiadakis, MBS PMP
Head of Marketing, USA
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Raphael Jost
Head of Procurement
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Thomas Müller
Director Pharmaceutical Development and API Production
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Christie Blakely, MBA
Head of Sales & Marketing North America, Geistlich Medical
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
Balint Feher PharmD, MScEng
Senior Clinical Research Manager & eClinical Project Lead, MedTech
Root, Lucerne, Switzerland
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