Genesis Pharma

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GENESIS Pharma started its activity in pharmaceutical biotechnology in 1997, at a time when the industry was still at an early development stage, not only in Greece but also in Europe. The company's goal was to combine the rapid progress in science with a successful and innovative business venture, thus paving the way for the creation of a new market. Working with consistency and dedication to this end, GENESIS Pharma became the first Greek pharmaceutical company specializing in the promotion, sales and distribution of biopharmaceutical products and is currently the largest by turnover among Greek companies focusing on innovative branded medicines. The company's portfolio consists mainly of innovative pharmaceutical products in the therapeutic areas of Oncology, Hematology, Central Nervous System, Inflammation and Immunology, Gastroenterology and Nephrology, as a result of collaboration with major multinational pharmaceutical companies. Among its partners are two of the biggest, based on market capitalization, companies focusing on the research and development of novel pharmaceutical products, Biogen and Celgene. In 1999, business activities were expanded in Cyprus through the creation of Genesis Pharma (Cyprus) Ltd, and later on, in markets of Southeast Europe, such as Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. GENESIS Pharma (Cyprus) Ltd, an affiliate company, is now responsible for all international markets and is currently operating, through its subsidiaries, in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia with the latter entity acting as a hub-office covering the Adriatic Region​.

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People working at Genesis Pharma
Costas Evripides
CEO and Founding Member
Attiki, Greece
Aris Jacovides
Vice-Chairman B.o.D. & Co-Founder
Stelios Prodromou
Chief Operating Officer
Attiki, Greece
Dragan Cirkovic, CME
Country Lead
Attiki, Greece
Alexios Giotis
Business Information Systems & Technology Manager
Attiki, Greece
Georgios Zavitsanakis
Business Development
Attiki, Greece
Katerina Boutsikaki
Head of Hematology, Oncology, Immunology & Rare Diseases
Attiki, Greece
Charalampos Kamarinopoulos
Head of Compliance & DPO
Attiki, Greece
Despoina Mesogiti, MSc
Pharmacovigilance & RMP Manager
Attiki, Greece
Alexandros Jacovides
President of the BOD and Founding member
Attiki, Greece
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