German Chapter of the Institute of Asset Management e.V.
Efficient and sustainable infrastructure is an essential prerequisite for a functioning community! Asset Management is the strategic tool for creating value from assets - both tangible and intangible - by optimizing performance, costs and risks over their entire life cycle. The German Chapter of the Institute of Asset Management e.V. brings together more than 150 experts from a wide variety of industries, sectors, universities and professional associations with the aim of promoting professional training, networking and knowledge transfer on the subject of Asset Management. 4 so-called 'branches' serve members and interested parties as local or regional meeting points - in Berlin, Hamburg, South (including Austria and Switzerland) and West. 6 departments carry our chapter's work, including knowledge transfer, the organization of conferences and events as well as the exchange with other associations. Are you interested in exchanging ideas with other Asset Management experts, or in actively participating within our chapter? Please do not hesitate to contact us!
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