Girls United

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Girls United is a nonprofit organisation that provides girls in disadvantaged communities with the opportunity to play football and gain life skills that will allow them to succeed on and off the pitch. We seek to enrich the lives of girls by promoting gender equality in sport, mobilising the economy in a sustainable manner and improving the physical health of our participants. What do we do? Girls United uses sport as a tool for social impact by setting up football academies for girls, workshops and coaching courses, in low-income areas internationally. Our very first club in was officially set up in March 2017 in Bacalar, Mexico and we have been running six training sessions a week, engaging over 400 girls ever since. We later set up a second club in October 2018 in London, England, also running six training sessions a week, engaging over 200 girls. We train and work with both local and international volunteer coaches, who provide coaching and training for our participants. Our Mission: Our mission is to establish football academies for girls in low-resource areas and train volunteers using the Girls United methodology to coach for social impact at these academies. We work harmoniously with the community to provide better resources and opportunities, while encouraging growth for the girls. Based on values of equality and inclusion, we facilitate a mutual cultural exchange between locals and volunteers. Our Vision: Our vision is to make a sustainable impact in rural communities through a cultural exchange that is genuine and profound. We seek to enrich the lives of locals through promoting gender equality in sport, mobilising the economy and improving physical health.

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People working at Girls United
Sam Young
Non Executive Director (consultancy basis)
London, England, United Kingdom
Romina Calatayud
Founder and CEO
London, England, United Kingdom
Josh Emerson
Global Marketing & Communications Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Robert Wright
London Programme Lead
London, England, United Kingdom
Greer-Aylece Robinson
London Programme Lead (Club) / Fixtures Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Academia de FĂștbol MABEL VELARDE
Gerente de proyectos
London, England, United Kingdom
Grace Rapp
Football Coach
London, England, United Kingdom
Eduardo Alexander Castillo Benavides
U14 Team Head Coach
London, England, United Kingdom
Abigail Ingram
London Manager
London, England, United Kingdom
Nikita Gicanda Vervelde
Football Coach
London, England, United Kingdom
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