Glamox Marine, Offshore & Wind

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Glamox is the leading supplier of lighting solutions to the world’s marine and offshore markets. As a local partner with a strong global network and a range of popular lighting brands, Glamox can fulfill all maritime lighting requirements, including interior lighting, floodlights and searchlights, explosion-proof luminaires and navigation lights. We are setting the standard for marine and offshore lighting with our innovative and energy efficient solutions for extreme applications. Our products and solutions are developed and tested by our engineers at our own research and testing facilities, and manufactured and certified in accordance with all relevant quality and environmental standards. They are based on the latest technology and expertise – and generations of experience. When you deal with Glamox you should feel assured that we take your privacy seriously and that we’ll keep your personal data safe according to the prevailing legislation in your country. See our privacy policy for more information:

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Glamox Marine, Offshore & Wind's industries
Defense and Space Manufacturing
Glamox Marine, Offshore & Wind's technology
floodlights searchlights explosion-proof luminaires Interior luminaires
People working at Glamox Marine, Offshore & Wind
Frank Lohmann
Managing Director
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Jacob Molberg
Sales Manager
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
David Fink
Director Of Technology
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Carsten Bonderup
Team Sales Manager, Energy Norway
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Markus Lundqvist
Product Manager Searchlights
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Vidar Myklebust
Product Developer Electronics
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Ronny Orvik
Director Commercial Management
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Frank Eilertsen
Sales Manager
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Oskar Mile
Lighting Designer
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Trond Johansen
Sales Manager
Gamle Oslo, Oslo, Norway
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