Global Racing Group

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We mastermind the best race, rally, and rallycross driver development programs in motorsport and our cross-discipline approach to shaping the world champions of the future is what makes us unique. Outside of the cockpit, we also provide marketing consultation and sponsorship activation services to businesses and brands that want to harness the power of motorsport to achieve commercial success. We proudly operate a two-car team in the Indy Lights Presented by Cooper Tires Championship in a partnership effort with HMD Motorsports and together, we set the benchmark in the series for our sporting and organizational approach. We have created the perfect environment in which drivers can learn how to be successful in professional motorsport. Global Racing Group's motorsport and commercial activities are strongly supported by three distinct advisory boards that specialize in the field of business, motorsport competition, and sports management. The personalities on our advisory boards have years of experience in motorsport and can call on motorsport executive and Fortune 2000 company contacts around the world when there is a commercial requirement. With this in mind, Global Racing Group offers high-level sponsor and brand development services to businesses and brands that are interested in launching dynamic and bold engagement programs in motorsport.

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People working at Global Racing Group
Andrew D. Norman
Advisory Board Member / Sponsor
Sammamish, Washington, United States
Linus Lundqvist
Indy Lights 2021 | 3rd Overall
Alberto Giraldo Cambelo
2ºN Mechanic
Roland Vögele
Race Mechanic
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