Global Space Organization

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Corporate Vision: To the Moon and Beyond Statement from the Founder: "It is not only possible to build a station on the lunar surface, it will be easier and safer today, due to our modern technology, advanced knowledge and commercialization of space. The Moon is our next human adventure, it is full of possibilities and promise. The Global Space Organization is going and we are going to bring the world with us, to the moon and beyond." Caed Aldwych Corporate Statement of Purpose: To create a human space based industry that will be established on our moon. Our GSO Lunar Station will be designed, constructed and expanded to suit the requirements of the GSO and all of its client-partners. The GSO plans to represent many different corporations, agencies and organizations and provide operational capability and support to the many diverse industries that will conduct business on the lunar surface. Statement of Services: The Global Space Organization (GSO) is an exploration and services company, designed to support many diverse industries so that they may conduct their business in space and on the lunar surface. Space and the Moon is our worlds next gold rush, full of potential and promise and holds many new ideas to grow and expand your business. Lunar Station Maintenance Life Support Management Lunar & Space Construction Food Growth Labs Station Resupply Operations Water Reclamation Power Generation Platforms Lunar Exploration Support Vehicle Management Port Facilities Management Client Advertising Support Establishment of Medical Facilities and more... Website: http://www.gso-space.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalSpaceOrganization

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Global Space Organization's headquarter address
Line 1: 40 north central avenue, suite 1400, phoenix, az 85004, us
Line 2: 40 N Central Ave
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aviation & aerospace
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