GN Group

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GN Group is a Denmark-based electronics company that manufactures and sells products including hearing instruments and audiological equipment for the commercial market.

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GN Group's headquarter address
Line 1: Lautrupbjerg 7, Ballerup, Denmark 2750, DK
Line 2: 7 Lautrupbjerg
GN Group's industries
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
GN Group's technology
ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework CSC Corporate Domains Citrix NetScaler DoubleClick DoubleClick Conversion ExactTarget Facebook Custom Audiences Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Dynamic Remarketing Google Font API Google Maps Google Play Google Tag Manager Hotjar Linkedin Marketing Solutions Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Olark OneTrust Outlook Pardot Remote Salesforce Sendgrid Shutterstock Stripe Twitter Advertising Vimeo Workday Recruit YouTube
People working at GN Group
Aleksandra Żelazna
Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist via Devire RPO
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Kimberly Lody
President, North America
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Johan Stubbe Østergaard
Senior Director, Head of Jabra IT
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Daniel Andres Rossi
Technical & Product Trainer
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Line Lyst
Chief Entrepreneur
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Stefan Wideland
Director, Digital Core & Innovation
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
René Svendsen-Tune
President and CEO
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Brian Dam Pedersen
Chief Technology Officer, GN Hearing
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Alin-Marius Vlad
Information Technology Solutions Manager
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Jesper Glad
Director, IPR Development & Innovation
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
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