Goethe-Institut e.V

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EnterAfrica - Gamify Your City Future (Past, Present, Future) 15 Countries, 15 Visions, 15 Games EnterAfrica is a gamification project that will take place in 15 African countries. During the program each city/country will create a local based game that is connected with the future of the city. The program consists of two game lab sessions (4 days in 2018 and 3 days in 2019) in each country and a continuous online support in between. Every team in every participating country will have the chance to send one representative to an additional Game Lab in Addis Abeba to create an African wide game based on the first Game Lab workshops. This Mega game will be presented at the gamescom in Cologne, Germany in 2019. To know more about the countries involved and the workshop timelines refer to the index part of the document.

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Line 1: 18 oskar-von-miller-ring, munich, bavaria, germany
Line 2: 18 Oskar-von-Miller-Ring
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Education Administration Programs
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Gamification Game Thinking Futurism
People working at Goethe-Institut e.V
Aryo Pratama
Head of IT Regional Office SAN (South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand)
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Stefan Spitzenpfeil
Bereichsleiter IT, CIO
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Thomas Buck
Leitung IT Infrastruktur
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Miriam Bruns
Director, Goethe-Institut Pune
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Steffen Pagenkopf
Head of Project- introduction Microsoft 365
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Christine Biegert
Projektreferentin Datenanalyse für "Deutsch Lehren Lernen"
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Rainer Pollack
Kaufmännischer Direktor/Mitglied des Vorstands
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Gundekar Bauer
Chief Financial Officer - German Region
Okan Aslan
Finance Specialist / Financial Controller
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Ricarda Bösl
IT-Manager Intranet (Referentin)
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
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