gohobi - we love local
gohobi establishes a sustainable loyalty between customers and the stationary trade through a connection of data sources (data-analytics) and a smart communication. Current customer loyalty approaches like payback all rely on the idea of rewarding customers with points or stars, which then will be redeemed for knife blocks or trolley bags. The main approach of stationary companies are stamp cards, which are currently available to every customer. That's why Gohobi uses an inteligent customer chip that allows every customer to earn rewards with just one chip, and to target rewards in the same company. These approaches are inferior to our approach. Die rewarding the customer directly with money for his loyalty is trasparent, wertschätzend and emotional and thus ensures a sustainable interaction with customers. With this approach we create previously unknown transparency for customers and increase the user experience with direct surplus in real-time. Additionally we implement the proven concept of customer guidance approach with the direct surplus as well as an innovative big data usage for customer selection with filters and possibilities similar to Google AdWords. This allows our partners to define their target group and to be sure that only persons matching this criteria will be reached. By that innovation we reduce biases and scattering effects and thereby decrease the costs of customer guidance for our partners, while simultaneously increasing their efficiency. A core-advantage for our partners is the effect of recapitalisation: due to the fact that we reward with direct surplus, connected to the store the surplus was originally achieved, customers redeem the surplus at its origin and thereby increasing sales. Additional this way of rewarding provides strong up- and cross-selling effects. For more information please have a look at the following websites or send us an e-mail. Please have a look: www.gohobi.de Recent press artical: www.gohobi.de/press
- website: http://www.gohobi.de
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/wayadd