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We accompany you in the different phases of the transformation of your golf course on the way to the development of new target groups. We are rethinking the idea of the Country Club. With the basics of open space, co-working and flexibly usable work spaces in your existing property or in modular sustainable construction systems, our BLOCKS, directly on the driving range. We offer expertise ranging o f the design and implementation of structural modernization Strategies, on the sales development of the new target group, a professional accounting system up to the design and construction of your personal BLOCKS. What are BLOCKS? BLOCKS are basically ship containers, which we convert into high-quality design objects and equip suitable digital solutions for the respective use case. BLOCKS are innovative, flexible and sustainable. Curious?.... meet us on our website www.golfblocks.com

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People working at GOLFBLOCKS
Carolina Hinrichsen
Founder & CEO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Daniel Marques
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Miriam Szwillus
Content, Marketing, PR
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Stefanie Schwarz
Chief Operating Officer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Joanna Kowalik
Freelance Interior Designer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Emmi Panter
Lead Designer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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